Dr. Knox has served congregations of New St. John AME Church in Goldsboro, NC and St. Mark AME church in Smithfield NC. He led both congregations into sound financial practices and increased the spiritual involvement of the church and both congregations grew spiritually, numerically and financially. From 2014 to 2019 Dr. Knox served Bethel AME Church in Selma NC where they witnessed significant growth, spiritually, physically, and financially. Nearly 100 people joined the Bethel Family or accepted Christ during those five years. Renovations were made to the building and grounds. He led the congregation to liquidate the mortgage ahead of schedule. At the 2017 Annual Conference Bishop James L. Davis assigned Dr. Knox to pastor an additional congregation. Lee’s Chapel AME Church Selma NC. Lee’s Chapel experienced a revival under his leadership, with increased attendance coupled with spiritual and financial growth. Dr. Knox is currently the pastor of Greater Bethel AME Church in Charlotte NC. Dr. Knox had adopted the working theme “Love God, Love the People, Do the Work. Dr. Knox knows that he can accomplish nothing without the hand of God being upon him.