Find out which of our ministries & groups is the best fit for you.
Christian Education
Christian Education is the ministry of the church responsible for training, discipling, teaching and forming people in the likeness of Christ.
Church School
Church School is the foremost driving vehicle that teaches the principles of Christian Education, led by spirted individuals who have a deep desire of sharing God’s word.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
We offer prayers for all of our church leaders including our pastor and his family. We pray for healing for all those who are ill, and need guidance from the Lord.
L.O.V.E Marriage Ministry
For married couples to strengthen their bond and their connection to the Lord.
Commission on Membership, Evangelism and Discipleship
This ministry focuses on increasing our membership, training new members including lay leaders, members of the ministerial staff and all others as required.
Young At Heart
Engage seniors in God’s Word along with fellowship, activities, exercises and information to help keep an active life and to stay “Young-at-Heart”.
The Equippers
The Equippers handle the extra needs of the church and make sure that our community has everything they need to worship.
Christmas Group
To determine how to serve and accommodate those persons in our congregation and our community who would greatly benefit from assistance during the Holiday season.