Boards & Auxiliaries
Every role and responsibility in our organization.
Board of Stewards
Vice-Chair: Phyllis Wonson
Secretary: Petrina Jordan
Joyce Barnette, Melvina Bethea, Lavenia Williams , Howard Gaston, Cornelius Green, Mutsa Kemp, Dwight Patterson, Phillip Rice, Carolyn Simmons, Eddie Weatherington.
Steward Emeritus: Howard Gaston
Spiritual leaders of the church. They direct and ensure there is spiritual harmony within the body of the church. They comfort the distressed and the needy. Stewards help the Pastor and ministerial staff in carrying out their duties. Stewards are appointed by the Pastor and confirmed by the Quarterly Conference. The Steward Board makes sure the Pastor and the ministerial staff have what they need to efficiently handle the needs of the church.
Board of Trustees
Pro Tem: George Fitts
Secretary: Linda Hager
Tamara Blackett, Rory Chandler, Brenda Slade, Joseph Gaither, Jackie Green, Linda Hager, Hooever Trel Footman, Zachary Kemp.
Trustees Emeriti: Robert Roberts
The Trustees are the managing group for the Connection. They shall guard all real estate for the Connection, such as the church, parsonages, schools and any other property that is obtained by the church. The Trustees maintain the properties and make improvements to it when authorized by the members of the church. They provide housing for the pastor and family and may also furnish it. The board shall secure or purchase property and real estate.
Class Leaders
Petrina Jordan-President
Tomani Cheesman, Mary Dingle, Jean Kanipes, Rev. Lizzie Barber, Joseph Gaither, Dwight Patterson, Janice Green, Loleita Page, Angie Pugh, Philip Rice, Whitney Brown, Carolyn Simmons.
Mission Statement
To create a positive Christian relationship by uniting as members of the body of Christ to pray together, meet together, watch over probationers together and converse with the pastor regularly. In addition, we will report those who are walking disorderly. We strive to make accurate appropriate reports to the official board concerning the sick & shut-in and make sure no member is obscure or lost in the crowd.
Lay Organization
President: Charmayne Morrison
Vice President: Oneita Williams
Recording Secretary: Dr. Vernessa Bowles
Corresponding Secretary: Loleita Page
Treasurer: Betty Parker
Director of Lay Activities: Bobbi Hague
The Lay Organization is usually composed of three or more persons formed for the purpose of instilling in it’s membership a love and appreciation for the history, traditions, and principles of African Methodism.
Stewardess Board
Joyce Barnette - Dean
The Stewardess Board assists the Pastor in providing the implements and elements of Holy Communion and Baptisms. They also ensure that the pulpit needs of the Pastor and/or ministers are properly cared for and maintain appropriate, clean and proper coverings for the pulpit dressing.
David Morrison Jr - President
The Ministry of the Ushers goes far beyond opening a door. The purpose of an usher is to present Christ to all that come to worship at church. In a sense, they serve as the hosts of the building in which believers and strangers gather to seek God. This purpose alone expresses the privilege and responsibility that falls to a church usher. Ushers are the keepers of the door and the directors of the floor.
The doors of the church are always open. We are here to serve. Come; let us serve you that you in return can serve others.
Haynes Schofield Women's Missionary Society
Janice Hazeley - President
Haynes/Schofield WMS of Greater Bethel AME Church is an organization that works within the confinement of the Church and into the communities where there are needs.
Mission: We are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world.